About Me

Hi! I'm Emma.

20 Random Facts About Me:

  • Started playing video games when I was eleven years old and still like them. Various Mario games have brought much fun and bonding between my teenage brother and I over the years
  • Don't like junk food. After eating something processed, I always crave real food like fruit or homemade vegetable juice
  • Love learning about different topics. Knowledge is acquired through reading
  • My family and I love (clean) jokes about Chuck Norris
  • I wish it were still the 90's when Pop Culture wasn't all-encompassing and there were no smartphones or constant selfies. Playing outside was the norm and social media was non-existent. Those were the days
  • If I were currently a teen, I would dye my hair pastel colors. When I was fifteen, I dyed my hair various bright colors, yet think there is so much more of a variety now
  • Love Disney and Pixar movies
  • Lectures by Ravi Zacharias, John Lennox, and Michael Ramsden are a favorite pastime
  • Walking three or four miles a day is something I truly enjoy
  • I treasure the Bible and love God
  • Sermons by Timothy Keller are initially what made Christianity make sense to me, believable, and understandable as a tangible & coherent worldview
  • I am wise with money and see the value in saving as I am able
  • Taking walks where I live sometimes affords me the opportunity to see raccoons, skunks, coyotes, snakes and rabbits
  • I love surprising others with gifts and cards
  • I want to be a photographer, elementary school teacher, model, and counselor -- all in one
  • I love attending crowded events if socializing isn't required. Sometimes it's nice to be around a lot of people at a museum or concert and not have to talk to anyone
  • I'm a good cook and love making healthy meals (raw, vegan) or natural desserts
  • My childhood was filled with playing outside; going on walks, playing hide & seek or tag, swimming, street hockey with my cousins, or catching lizards. I also loved arcades
  • I care about people and desire to acknowledge and make them feel important (even if no one else does). No one I meet is unimportant to me
  • I want to be a difference maker and world changer

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